If you need to make a claim on your car insurance, whether you've been in an accident or your car has been damaged, there are a lot of different things that need to be arranged.
Providing everyone is okay and your car is the only thing that's dented, we imagine your main concern will be how you're going to get around while your car is being repaired.
To give you an idea of what to expect if you need a courtesy car, we've answered some of your most important questions.
What is a courtesy car?
A courtesy car is a temporary vehicle offered by a garage for use while your car is being repaired. Courtesy cars are often included as part of insurance depending on your level of cover.
All of our comprehensive car insurance policies include a courtesy car as standard, as long as your car's repairable and being repaired at one of our approved garages.
Will I get a courtesy car if my car is repaired in my local garage?
In order for us to be able to provide you with a courtesy car, you will need to use one of our approved repairers to repair the car.
How do I qualify for a courtesy car?
As long as you go to an approved repairer, you'll get a courtesy vehicle for as long as the repairs take. The courtesy car will be supplied when the repairs have been authorised, not before.
How long can I keep the car for?
The good news is, once the decision to repair the car has been made, you'll be able to keep the courtesy car for as long as yours is being fixed.
One of the benefits of using our approved garages is the fact we’re able to make sure you’re kept mobile while your car is being returned to a roadworthy condition.
Do I need to arrange short term car insurance to cover the car?
No, the good news is you won’t need to organise any extra car insurance.
You'll be fully covered under the same terms as your current car insurance policy, which includes any listed named drivers.
The best part is, it will be at no additional cost to you. (Normal policy terms and conditions apply.)
What type of car will be provided?
The car is likely to be a what is known as a class A courtesy car, something like a Ford KA or a Toyota Aygo.
It most likely won’t be a like-for-like replacement of your car, meaning it may not be the same size or style as yours.
We also can’t guarantee that the courtesy car will be adapted to any special needs or disability.
Is this going to cost me anything?
You will only have to pay for the fuel you use and won't pay any other additional costs for the use of the courtesy car.
Are there any circumstances when I won’t automatically be entitled to a courtesy car?
Unfortunately, we can't provide a courtesy car if your car is:
- stolen
- beyond economic repair (i.e. the cost to repair the car means it would make more sense to replace it)
- repaired by an unapproved repairer
Confused about why you might need hire car cover if you already have a courtesy car? Take a look at our guide: courtesy car vs car hire explained.
And check out your policy book for more information around courtesy vehicles.