UK's best and worst drivers

Where are the best and worst drivers in the UK?

See how drivers in your city and region have scored with Admiral LittleBox.

Choose a category to get started

Speed Demons

What percentage of journeys have drivers gone over 75mph?

Aberdeen 1.73%
Sheffield 2.19%
Glasgow 2.76%
Norwich 2.78%
Belfast 2.94%
Leeds 2.96%
Birmingham 3.03%
Liverpool 3.16%
Nottingham 3.52%
Manchester 3.58%
Cardiff 3.76%
Southampton 3.86%
Newcastle 3.93%
Edinburgh 4.00%
London 4.54%
Bristol 4.59%
Northern Ireland 2.39%
Yorkshire 2.41%
Scotland 2.65%
North East 2.84%
West Midlands 2.85%
East 3.05%
East Midlands 3.15%
Wales 3.30%
North West 3.55%
South East 3.86%
Greater London 3.90%
South West 4.10%

What percentage of drivers have gone over 100mph?

Cardiff 1.94%
Leeds 2.25%
Aberdeen 2.42%
Liverpool 2.47%
Edinburgh 2.60%
Manchester 2.63%
Glasgow 2.78%
Sheffield 2.87%
Birmingham 3.08%
Southampton 3.09%
Norwich 3.22%
Newcastle 3.75%
Belfast 4.18%
Nottingham 4.40%
Bristol 4.62%
London 5.68%
Yorkshire 2.89%
North West 3.10%
Scotland 3.13%
North East 3.41%
Wales 3.45%
West Midlands 3.60%
South West 3.95%
East Midlands 4.15%
Northern Ireland 4.26%
East 4.30%
South East 4.81%
Greater London 5.88%

The Heavy Brakers

During a journey, how many times did a driver brake harshly?

Belfast 2.28
Edinburgh 2.32
Liverpool 2.39
Manchester 2.45
Newcastle 2.50
Aberdeen 2.64
Glasgow 2.66
Cardiff 2.69
Nottingham 2.69
Birmingham 2.71
Leeds 2.76
Norwich 2.80
Bristol 2.86
London 2.91
Sheffield 3.04
Southampton 3.57
North West 0.77
North East 0.78
Scotland 0.79
Yorkshire 0.83
Northern Ireland 0.88
East Midlands 0.92
Greater London 0.92
Wales 0.95
West Midlands 0.96
South West 0.98
East 1.07
South East 1.18

The Quick Off the Mark

During a journey, how many times did the driver accelerate quickly?

Belfast 1.55
Edinburgh 1.65
Newcastle 1.66
Manchester 1.69
Liverpool 1.70
Cardiff 1.78
Birmingham 1.82
Glasgow 1.83
Nottingham 1.87
Aberdeen 1.88
Norwich 1.88
Leeds 1.92
Bristol 2.00
London 2.04
Sheffield 2.12
Southampton 2.38
North East 1.67
Scotland 1.68
Northern Ireland 1.72
North West 1.78
Yorkshire 1.88
East Midlands 1.92
West Midlands 2.01
Wales 2.07
Greater London 2.12
South West 2.17
East 2.24
South East 2.62

The Smooth Operators

Who are the smoothest drivers (braking harshly or accelerating the least)?

Belfast 2.03
Edinburgh 2.05
Liverpool 2.12
Manchester 2.16
Newcastle 2.22
Aberdeen 2.31
Cardiff 2.35
Glasgow 2.36
Nottingham 2.39
Norwich 2.41
Leeds 2.42
Birmingham 2.43
London 2.49
Bristol 2.50
Sheffield 2.68
Southampton 3.04
North East 2.44
Scotland 2.47
North West 2.55
Northern Ireland 2.60
Yorkshire 2.71
East Midlands 2.84
West Midlands 2.97
Wales 3.02
Greater London 3.04
South West 3.15
East 3.31
South East 3.79

The Table Toppers

Who scores best for good driving?

London 1
Newcastle 2
Cardiff 3
Norwich 4
Edinburgh 5
Aberdeen 6
Sheffield 7
Belfast 8
Birmingham 9
Bristol 10
Nottingham 11
Manchester 12
Leeds 13
Liverpool 14
Glasgow 15
Southampton 16
1 Greater London
2 East
3 East Midlands
4 North East
5 Yorkshire
6 West Midlands
7 South West
8 Wales
9 Scotland
10 North West
11 South East
12 Northern Ireland

The Table Proppers

Who scores worst for poor driving?

Southampton 1
Leeds 2
Glasgow 3
Bristol 4
Birmingham 5
London 6
Manchester 7
Liverpool 8
Cardiff 9
Newcastle 10
Sheffield 11
Edinburgh 12
Nottingham 13
Norwich 14
Belfast 15
Aberdeen 16
1 South East
2 South West
3 Wales
4 Greater London
5 Northern Ireland
6 East
7 West Midlands
8 North West
9 Scotland
10 Yorkshire
11 East Midlands
12 North East

The Long Distance Drivers

Who drives the furthest amount of miles on average for each journey?

Belfast 3.61
Birmingham 4.11
Liverpool 4.15
Glasgow 4.16
Manchester 4.25
London 4.28
Aberdeen 4.37
Leeds 4.48
Sheffield 4.6
Newcastle 4.62
Nottingham 4.74
Cardiff 4.77
Bristol 4.83
Edinburgh 5.01
Southampton 5.03
Norwich 5.35
Greater London 4.25
Northern Ireland 4.26
North West 4.33
West Midlands 4.5
North East 4.53
Yorkshire 4.54
Scotland 4.58
East Midlands 4.78
Wales 4.87
South West 5.19
East 5.28
South East 5.36

The Traffic Jammers

Whose average journey takes the most time?

Belfast 12.34
Newcastle 13.25
Aberdeen 13.26
Glasgow 13.38
Leeds 13.75
Liverpool 13.84
Nottingham 13.99
Birmingham 14.05
Sheffield 14.19
Cardiff 14.25
Manchester 14.25
Southampton 14.44
Norwich 14.45
Bristol 14.52
Edinburgh 15.37
London 16.32
Northern Ireland 12.42
North East 12.62
Scotland 13.33
Wales 13.37
Yorkshire 13.51
North West 13.56
West Midlands 13.61
East Midlands 13.79
South West 14.07
East 14.34
South East 14.49
Greater London 15.55