
How can we help you?

Select the service area your complaint is about, or read how we take care of complaints.

Personal Finance

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your complaint:

Give us a call

0333 234 6008

Monday to Friday: 8:30am - 4pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Email us

Send your complaint via post

Quality Manager Admiral
Admiral Loans
Ty Admiral
David Street
Cardiff CF10 2AA


How we take care of complaints

How will your complaint be handled?

If you need to make a complaint, we want the process to be as straightforward as possible, our aim is to:

  • Make it simple for you to tell us about your complaint
  • Conduct a full investigation
  • Give your complaint careful consideration
  • Provide you with a full account of our actions
  • Ensure you're happy we've handled your complaint fairly.

How to make a complaint

Making a complaint can be stressful which is why we give you the option to complain in the way which suits you best.

You can make your complaint over the phone, by email or in a letter.

How soon will we deal with your complaint?

You'll hear back from us within five days of us receiving your complaint. In some cases this will be in the form of an acknowledgement letter but in others it may be a full reply.

If you receive an acknowledgment letter it will tell you:

  • Who's dealing with your complaint
  • When we'll contact you again.

Once you receive this your complaint will be investigated fully and we will write to you with our findings.

In complex cases we may need to spend a little longer investigating but we will keep you up to date with our progress. In all cases we'll respond to your complaint within eight weeks in line with the deadline set by the Financial Conduct Authority.

If you're unhappy with the way we're handling your complaint

All our complaint handlers are trained and monitored to ensure they deliver professional service consistently. If you're unhappy with the way your complaint is handled, you can ask for it to be reviewed at a higher level.

The Financial Ombudsman Service

We try to resolve all complaints internally. However, if you're still unhappy with our response to your complaint, or if we've not resolved it eight weeks after you first told us about it, you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If you want the Financial Ombudsman Service to look into your complaint, you must refer it to them within six months of the date of our final response to you. You can contact them at:

The Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower London E14 9SR

Tel: 08000 234 567

Free for people phoning from a "fixed line" (for example, a landline at home).

Or: 0300 123 9 123

Free for mobile-phone users who pay a monthly charge for calls to numbers starting 01 or 02.


The Financial Ombudsman Service offers a free independent service and they can help with most financial complaints. For further information you can visit their website.

Download this guide as a PDF:

Complaint performance results

As an FCA registered company we publish data on our complaints record.

Firm name: EUI Limited
Group: Admiral Group Plc
Other firms included in this report (if any): Admiral Insurance Company Limited  & Admiral Insurance Gibraltar Limited
Period covered in this report: 1st Jul 2024 to 31st Dec 2024
Brands/trading names covered: Admiral, Bell, Diamond, Elephant, Gladiator, Ford Insure & More Than

Insurance and pure protection data

Number of complaints opened per 1000 policies in force (at reporting period end date)


Number of complaints opened


Number of complaints closed


Percentage closed within 3 days


Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks


Percentage upheld


Main cause of complaints opened

General admin / customer service- Errors / not following instructions

Credit related data

Number of complaints opened per 1000 direct debit policies in force (at reporting period end date)


Number of complaints opened


Number of complaints closed


Percentage closed within 3 days


Percentage closed after 3 days but within 8 weeks


Percentage upheld


Main cause of complaints opened



Motor Insurance

Frequently asked questions

Why has my policy automatically renewed?

When taking out a new policy with Admiral, unless you have opted out, your policy will be set to automatically renew. We do this for your protection as it is a legal requirement to have insurance and to avoid any potential prosecution from vehicles being left uninsured.

You can change your autorenewal preference at any time during your policy term, free of charge, by contacting us online or by phone.

Have you taken alternative insurance from your renewal date?

Please speak to our Renewals Department who will be happy to help resolve your concerns.

I'm unhappy with my renewal premium

Ratings fluctuate across the industry and this can often lead to price increases.

We regularly update our rates to keep them up to date with what we are currently seeing in our claims statistics. This means some rates go up and others go down.

When we calculate a renewal premium, we include as much information as possible and this helps us ensure we are charging a fair amount. These include aspects such as personal details, car details, address and claims history. It is important to appreciate we also try to attach a fair level of importance to each piece of information. Please see the Midterm increases and Admin fees FAQ for more information.

It is important to note:

The price we offered is a quote, which you are under no obligation to accept.

We issue our renewal documents a few weeks prior to the renewal date, to give our customers time to get alternative quotes.

Prior to renewal you can choose to insure your car elsewhere without paying a cancellation charge.

If you remain unhappy, please speak to our Renewals Department who will be happy to help resolve your concerns.

I'm unhappy with the cost of a change I made recently

Any change made during a policy term leading to an increase indicates the new information rates higher on our claims information and therefore sees an additional cost to the customer. These could include changing your vehicle, Address or Occupation. Please see the Changing vehicle/occupation/address FAQ for more information.

Did you know?

All changes made midterm include an administration fee. This differs depending if the change is made online or over the phone.

Why do Admiral change Administration fees?

  • The reason for this is to help us to keep our premiums low
  • We do not include administration charges for possible future amendments in the initial price
  • We regularly review these prices to ensure they are fair, reasonable and accurately reflect the cost to us.
  • These consist of making the changes, reprinting any documentation, and updating the relevant databases.

We would like to point out that administration fees are not unique to Admiral and other companies may charge administration fees.

How will making a change effect my policy?

Change of vehicle

The Association of British Insurers (ABI), places each vehicle into a suggested group. The groups range from 1-50. A low group represents a low risk and vice versa. We generally follow this structure.

However, while we use the ABI as a guide, we sometimes adjust the groupings based on our own claims experience. This means we will move some vehicles up a group compared with the ABI but we also move some down.

It is also important to note; many other factors can affect the difference in premium between two vehicles. Such factors include modifications, age, number of years owned and value.

Change of Occupation

We base our assessment of the premium to charge any customer on our previous experience of claims for other customers with comparable details. We calculate the premium we charge from a series of detailed statistical models, which study the past claims experience for similar customers.

Our figures show the additional amount we charge for these customers is a true reflection of the increased risk we take on as an insurance company.

  • While we cannot explain with certainty why we see this increased risk, the additional premium is purely due to the risk of higher claims costs and no other reason.
  • It would not make any business sense for us to quote this higher premium if we had not had the worse claims experience.

Change of Address

We calculate the price from a series of detailed statistical models which study our past claims experience.

Many customers expect the motor insurance premium for any postcode to reflect the crime levels recorded within that area. However, it is important to point out thefts only account for a small number of claims.

Most of our costs are from accidental damage and personal injury claims and our rates reflect this.

When you change your address, your premium varies depending on how far up or down the scale you move. Similar to the grouping of vehicles.

Why has my discount been removed?

This is because you did not have the box installed within 30 days OR the Plug and Drive device was not plugged in.

We outline this in our terms and conditions.


If you fail to comply with installing LittleBox within the first 30 days of your policy, either your policy will be cancelled or you will lose any discounts associated with LittleBox.

Plug and Drive:

If you fail to fit the unit within the required 15 days, or we determine that the unit has been fitted for less than 95% of the time, we will terminate this agreement, and either revert your policy to a standard Bell policy, in which case any discount will be removed, or cancel your policy outright.

Low Driving Score (Bottom 5%)

If your overall driving score is amongst the bottom 5% of customers after any 60 days of continuous monitoring, we will contact you to advise you that driver improvement is needed.We will offer support to help you improve your score, via email guidance indicating which areas of driving behaviour are causing the low score. If you are unable to increase your score to be above 5%, by adjusting your driving behaviour, within 30 days, we will cancel your policy. If this occurs, we will give you seven days' notice of cancellation in writing. If you make sufficient improvement in your score your policy will continue as normal. Should your overall monthly score dip into the bottom 5% again you will receive another warning and will need to increase it to above the bottom 5% within 30 days, or you will face cancellation as outlined above.

Other ways to contact us

If the questions above haven't helped with your complaint query, you can:

Give us a call

0333 220 2000

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: 9:30am - 4pm

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Complaint Manager
Admiral Ty Admiral
David Street
CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 333 5886


Home Insurance

Frequently asked questions

Why has my policy automatically renewed?

When taking out a new policy with Admiral, unless you have opted out, your policy will be set to automatically renew. We do this for your protection against your property being uninsured. Some mortgage providers require continuous insurance as part of their lending criteria.

You can change your autorenewal preference at any time during your policy term, free of charge, by contacting us online or by phone.

Have you taken alternative insurance from your renewal date?

Please speak to our Renewals Department who will be happy to help resolve your concerns.

I'm unhappy with my renewal premium

Ratings fluctuate across the industry and this can often lead to price increases.

We regularly update our rates to keep them up to date with what we are currently seeing in our claims statistics. This means some rates go up and others go down.

When we calculate a renewal premium, we include as much information as possible and this helps us ensure we are charging a fair amount. These include aspects such as personal details, house details and claims history. It is important to appreciate we also try to attach a fair level of importance to each piece of information.

It is not in our interest to overcharge our policyholders, as we would lose profitable business. We do our utmost to ensure our rates are fair and reasonable for all customers.

It is important to note:

We issue our renewal documents a few weeks prior to the renewal date, to give our customers time to get alternative quotes.

Prior to renewal you can choose to insure your home elsewhere without paying a cancellation charge.

While we do not want to lose your custom, it is impossible for us to be competitive for every customer all of the time.

If you remain unhappy, please speak to our Renewals Department who will be happy to help resolve your concerns.

Why has my incident rated up where I haven't made a claim?

Looking at our past claims results, we found customers involved in a non-claim incident often go on to make a claim in future.

There are many possible reasons for this, the most likely suggesting a higher than average exposure to everyday risks.

You may live in an area that suffers from flooding or we are experiencing increased claims because of storms.

Although you may not have made a claim, our statistics suggest the likelihood of you doing so increases.

Please note:

Our choice to rate on claims and incidents is a business decision and we have no plans to change this in the future. I realise you may remain unhappy with our rating strategy, but I hope I have explained why we do this.

Why have I been charged a cancellation fee?

When setting up the policy we quote a price for a full term of cover. If you cancel the policy before the end of the agreed period, we apply a charge to cover our costs in dealing with the unexpected administration.

This involves processing the cancellation, issuing correspondence, and arranging any monies or refunds due. We explain this in our leaflet "Your Agreement with EUI Limited" which can be viewed here.

You can avoid these costly processes if the policy reaches the end of its term, and we lapse or provide another term at renewal. It is for this reason we feel it is not unfair to apply a charge when a customer chooses to end a contract earlier than originally arranged.

Did you know?

All changes made midterm include an administration fee. This differs depending if the change is made online or over the phone.

Administration fees help to keep premiums low

We do not include administration charges for possible future amendments in the initial price.

These only apply if you make a change or cancel the policy during the term.

We regularly review these prices to ensure they are fair, reasonable and accurately reflect the cost to us.

These consist of making the changes, reprinting any documentation, and updating the relevant databases.

We would like to point out that administration fees are not unique to Admiral and other companies may charge administration fees.

Why do Admiral pass complaints on to third party companies?

This is to ensure your complaint gets dealt with in the best way possible.

Admiral may not have access to data and procedures from other companies.

We ask these companies to conduct a thorough investigation and reply to you on our behalf.

Please note, this only applies to complaints where the service of third-party companies are involved. All other complaints will be dealt with by Admiral.

Why has my cover been declined?

Admiral has a strict underwriting criteria and may decline cover for certain reasons if they fall outside of the structure. Some common scenarios involve:

Address not on our database

  • New build properties are usually registered on several databases, which we search to obtain information about your property. If the information is not there, we are unable to accurately quote.
  • We are unable to just add an address to our internal database due to a lack of information, and as a result, we simply just do not know enough about the address to accurately quote.

As we gather more data, we will be able to provide this in the future. Unfortunately, we are unable to say exactly when that may be.


Certain renovations may fall outside of our acceptable Underwriting Criteria due to an increase in risk for the following reasons:

  • The cost of the renovation may exceed our acceptable limit
  • The duration of the renovation may go on longer than our criteria allows

The type of work being carried out may change our decision to continue offering cover, due to the increased risk in the following areas:

  • Theft - there may be reduced security at the property during the renovation
  • Fire - While the work is being carried out
  • Escape of water - During the renovation, e.g. burst pipes.
  • Accidental damage to the current contents while the work is being undertaken

Other ways to contact us

If the questions above haven't helped with your complaint query, you can:

Give us a call

0333 220 2003

Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: 9:30am - 4pm

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Complaint Manager
Admiral Ty Admiral
David Street
CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 333 5886


Travel Insurance

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your complaint:

Give us a call

0333 234 9913

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Complaint Manager
Admiral Ty Admiral
David Street
CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 333 5886


Pet Insurance

For Admiral Pet customers (policy number starting with ADMM or ADMP)

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your complaint:

Give us a call

0330 333 5888

Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Complaint Manager
Admiral Ty Admiral
David Street
CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 333 5886

Financial Ombudsman Service

If we have given you our final response, or if you have not heard from us within 8 weeks, or if you are still not satisfied you may refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

The Ombudsman is an independent body that arbitrates on complaints about general insurance products and other financial services. It will only consider complaints after you have been provided with written confirmation that all internal complaints procedures have been exhausted.

Insurance Division
Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour exchange square
E14 9SR
Tel: 0300 123 9123
Fax: 020 7964 1001


Get in touch

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your complaint:

Give us a call

0330 333 5888

Monday to Friday: 9am - 6pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Complaint Manager
Admiral Ty Admiral
David Street
CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 333 5886


Motor Insurance

Find the answers to your questions quickly on our interactive
Claims Motor and Van FAQ page

If the questions above haven't helped with your complaint query, you can:

Give us a call

0330 333 5887

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Claims Quality Manager Admiral
Claims Department
Ty Admiral
David Street
Cardiff CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 222 5770


Home Insurance

Find the answers to your questions quickly on our interactive
Home Insurance FAQ page

If the questions above haven't helped with your complaint query, you can:

Give us a call

0330 333 5887

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Claims Quality Manager Admiral
Claims Department
Ty Admiral
David Street
Cardiff CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 222 5770


Travel Insurance

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your complaint:

Give us a call

0333 234 9913

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Claims Quality Manager Admiral
Claims Department
Ty Admiral
David Street
Cardiff CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 222 5770


Pet Insurance

For Admiral Pet customers (policy number starting with ADMM or ADMP)

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your claims complaint:

Give us a call

0333 777 7362

Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Claims Quality Manager Admiral
Claims Department
Ty Admiral
David Street
Cardiff CF10 2AA

For Admiral Pet customers (policy number starting with ADU or ADH)

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your claims complaint:

Give us a call

0330 102 5741

Monday to Friday 8am-6pm
Saturday - 9am-2pm
Sunday - Closed

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Email us via

Send your complaint via post

Complaint Manager
Complaints Department,
Insurance Factory Ltd,
2nd Floor, 5000 Lakeside,
North Harbour,


Get in touch

There are a few ways to get in touch to make your complaint:

Give us a call

0330 333 5888

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Submit your complaint online

Fill out an online form with your contact details and and someone will get back to you.

Send your complaint via post

Claims Quality Manager Admiral
Claims Department
Ty Admiral
David Street
Cardiff CF10 2AA

Send your complaint by fax

0330 222 5770