Pet insurance helps protect your cat or dog against the unexpected. It covers the cost of vet bills if your pet is injured or becomes ill.
It means you can access quality care, like access to PawSquad vets, at a lower cost.
Compare our two cover options.
Lifetime is our most comprehensive pet cover. Lifetime policies cover your pet for accidents and illnesses up to the policy limit you’ve chosen each year. At renewal, the limit resets.
It’s best if you want long-term cover.
Pet insurance doesn't cover everything. Here's some things we don't cover.
We don't cover any illness or injury that your pet had before your insurance policy starts.
We define a pre-existing medical condition as something that may have been identified by a vet, be under investigation by a vet, or otherwise known to you before your policy starts. It could be diagnosed or undiagnosed.
A waiting period is the amount of time you must wait after your policy starts before you can make a claim.
We don't cover any injury that happens within the 24 hours of your policy starting, or any illness your pet gets within the first 14 days.
We don’t cover any treatments which are considered routine care or any kind of regular treatment that’s needed to keep your pet healthy. This covers things like:
Check your policy book for the full list.
We don’t cover costs for pregnancy, giving birth, or any medical issue to do with your pet breeding. This applies to both accidental and intentional pregnancies.
For a complete list read more about pet insurance in your policy book for the full list of exclusions.
We've partnered with PawSquad to offer you access to 24-hour veterinary advice all year-round.
PawSquad allows you to speak to a qualified, UK-registered vet at any second of the day for advice and treatment options.
To get a quote quickly, make sure you have the following:
Multi-Pet Insurance offers a discount of up to 15% per pet and keeps your whole pack covered.
You could get 10% off if you're an existing Admiral customer too.
If you qualify for both discounts, we'll take 10% off the full price and a further 15% off the new discounted price - so your total discount will be 23.5%.
Calculating your insurance premium involves many factors, as health involves lots of risk. Remember, the cheapest pet insurance may not have the cover your pet needs.
Typically, we'll use this information to calculate your pet insurance quote:
There are a few things you can do to lower your pet insurance costs:
Look after your pet |
Healthy pets typically incur fewer vet bills which means you’ll enjoy lower pet insurance costs. |
Choose the breed carefully |
Some breeds are more expensive than others. Pedigree breeds, for example, are more likely to require care, which can increase premiums. |
Make the most of Multi Pet and existing customer deals |
Get a great deal with Multi Pet and existing customer discounts. |
Excess is an amount you will have to pay towards a claim. With us, all pets under the age of 6 will have a £99 excess. Pets 6 years and over will have an excess of £199.
You can choose to pay the higher excess of £199 if you have a pet under age 6. We’ll deduct this amount from the claims settlement.
There is a £250 excess applied once per claim for Third Party Liability cover (dogs only) and third-party accidental damage cover available on our Platinum tier.
A pre-existing condition is any illness, injury or complication that results from an injury or illness.
A pre-existing condition can be diagnosed or undiagnosed. It refers to a medical condition that has been identified or investigated by a vet or is otherwise known to you prior to the start of the insurance.
A condition is considered pre-existing when it happens within the first 14 days of the policy for illness or 24 hours in the case of injury.
We don’t cover for pre-existing conditions.
Your premium may change due to a few factors:
Prices are reviewed annually, and we will let you know your new price, including what you paid last year, as a reference.
There's no limit to how many cats or dogs you add to your Admiral Pet Insurance policy. Adding more pets will net you a multi-pet discount too.
An excess of £100 is deducted from your benefit for each individual illness or accidental injury treated.
For pets over six-years-old an additional 20% is deducted for Veterinary Fees, Complimentary Medicine, Cruciate Ligament Damage, Special Diet and Dentistry (where these are covered) for each claim payment. This amount is deducted from the claims settlement.
Here's an example calculation for the amount you'll pay in the event of a claim for pets over six-years-old if a valid claim happens for veterinary fees totalling £400:
A £250 excess applies once per claim for Third Party Liability cover (dogs only).
Accidental Damage (Premier and Premier Plus Only) If your pet damages someone else's personal items while in their property we will cover the cost to repair the damage or replace subject to the cover limit. Exceptions apply, see Section 8 of the policy booklet for full terms and conditions.
Admiral (EUI) will be taking over the administration of the Pet insurance policies from Insurance Factory Limited. For any policies due to renew on or after 20/06/2024 you will be sent a letter explaining what is happening near your renewal date.
Currently your Admiral policy is arranged and administered by Insurance Factory Limited. In keeping with Admiral's (trading name of EUI Ltd) desire to provide an increasingly effective service to our customers, we are taking over the administration and underwriting of the Pet Insurance product, and no longer using Insurance Factory Limited as a third-party administrator.
The new policies will be similar to the current ones, however we will no longer be offering Maximum Benefit or Accident Only policies. If you have one of these, EUI Ltd will be more than happy to offer you one of our other products. Your current cover will cease on the renewal date, so it's important you contact us following this letter to talk through your options. EUI Ltd are continuing to offer Time Limited and Lifetime policies, all changes will be outlined in your policy documents.
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