X icon.
Facebook icon.
Chris Smith
checked in
at the airport!
Instagram icon.
How often do you post where you are? Who you are with? Whether it is sharing a drink in a London hotspot or you and the family at the airport - you want to shout about the good things in life and you don't care who is watching. Well, maybe you should. If your friends can see where you have checked in, so can a burglar. Criminals can get a good idea about where you live and use street view to find the best way into your property. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist
X icon.
So excited to be on the beach on saturday!!! #LifesABeach
X text message bubble.


of people have mentioned a future holiday on social media

But is that safe?


of internet users are accessing social networks each month, which includes burglars

But is that

Criminals can get a good idea about where you live and use street view to find the best way into your property. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist
Facebook icon.
Chris Smith
checked in
at the airport!


of Facebook users tag their location when they go on holiday

But is that safe?

It's estimated that there is a burglary every

But is that

Turn off location-sharing features, update your privacy features and stop broadcasting to people who aren't in your group of friends. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist
1 in 7 burglars

gain access through

an unlocked door

60% of all burglaries

take place in the evening

or during the night, from 6pm to 6am

About half of all burglaries

happen when nobody is home

Look at your property on Google street view, if you were looking to break in - could you? Are your trees too high, is the house next door empty and for sale? If you see a possibility, so can a criminal. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist

But is it safe?

Instagram icon.


of Instagram users post pictures on social media while on holiday

But is it safe?


of people who have public social media accounts say they don't mind who views their posts

If you really can't stop posting your pics - then add them to an album and share that only with your close friends and relatives. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist
Try not to post from your holiday destination - it is a clear advertisement that your house is unoccupied. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist
If you are unfortunate enough to come home to a house that is burgled - don't touch any smooth surfaces that a criminal may have touched - there could be fingerprints. Take a look around for anything out of place that isn't yours - this could be evidence for the crime scene team. Alex Iszatt - Crime Specialist

Secure Your Social Media

Facebook icon.

How to change your Facebook privacy settings:

  • Click in the upper-right corner of any Facebook page.
  • Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
  • Select Privacy on the left.
  • Click a setting (eg: Who can see your future posts?) to edit it.
X icon.

How to change your X (previously Twitter) privacy settings:

  • Click your profile icon in the top left navigation bar.
  • Click "Settings" and "Privacy".
  • Click "Privacy and Safety".
Instagram icon.

How to change your Instagram privacy settings:

  • Click on the profile icon in the lower right corner of your Instagram profile.
  • Click in the top right corner.
  • Click on "Account Privacy".
  • Adjust to "Private Account".