Every loan is assessed on an individual basis, taking into account the amount you want to borrow, your personal and financial circumstances, and credit history. You can find out if you’re eligible for a personal loan and the APR rate that we can offer you by completing a quote today.
To be eligible for a loan you must:
We don't currently offer joint loans. However, there are other lenders in the market who may be able to offer a joint loan.
The APR and interest rate we offer are determined by the personal and financial details you give, along with an independent verification of your credit and repayment history, using information held by credit reference agencies such as Experian, Call credit and Equifax.
You can find out if you’re eligible for a personal loan and the APR rate that we can offer you by completing a quote today. Your credit file will not be impacted unless you continue to complete a full application, in this case, a hard footprint will be left on your credit file.
All applications are assessed using your personal details and information provided by a Credit Reference Agency. Unfortunately, not every application will meet our business criteria. Below are a few potential reasons we may be unable to offer you car finance:
If you'd like to know what information is held by the credit reference agencies you can contact them directly:
TransUnion International UK Limited
You could apply for another Admiral loan, as long as you've had your original Admiral loan for more than three months and have a good history of repayment. Until you apply, we can't confirm whether you will be approved for another Admiral loan.
Yes, you can now access your account online. To view or make changes to your agreement simply go here to create an account. We're continuously making improvements to our website so look out for brand new features.
Sorry but you can't change the payment date within your first month. After the first month, you can change it by contacting us here.
We want to do the best we can to support you if your circumstances change. There’re a few ways we can help if you’re unable to make your usual monthly payments. Please contact us here.
If you require assistance regarding your finances, free independent help and advice can be obtained from the following organisations and charities. You may be able to get face-to-face advice from some of these organisations.
Alternatively, useful information can also be found on
This depends on what support is provided. When determining what support is appropriate, we‘ll advise you of any potential impact to your credit file.