Family Legal Protection

Expert legal advice, whenever you need it

24-hour helpline

Get access to legal advice and support from our trusted advisors when needed

Up to £100k in legal costs

We can protect you from legal issues, with no excess to pay

Unlimited claims

You can make as many claims as you need - there's no limit on how much we can support you

What's Family Legal Protection?

Family Legal Protection is a home insurance add-on that protects you and your family if you’re in a difficult situation.

It covers you for issues like property or employment disputes, personal injury and personal identity theft.

If your claim is likely to succeed, we’ll provide you with expert legal help and up to £100k in legal costs to help give you the support and advice you need.

What does Family Legal Protection cover?

Family Legal Protection protects you in the event of many different legal issues or disputes.

Employment disputes

We’ll help you pursue legal action brought before an employment tribunal, or any disputes relating to your employment contract.

Personal injury

We’ll cover the costs for legal action if you want to claim compensation for damages after you’ve been in an accident.

Clinical negligence

If you’re subject to a negligent medical procedure that causes bodily injury or even death, we’ll support you or a loved one to claim compensation.

Consumer disputes

We’ll financially support you with disputes over:

  • buying or selling the home you live in
  • buying or selling goods
  • purchasing services

Personal cyber and identity fraud

Access to a helpline for advice on cyber-related issues including:

  • identity theft
  • fraudulent fund transfer
  • cyber extortion
  • financial loss
  • breach of personal information
  • cyber bullying

Motor contract disputes

We’ll support you if you have disputes over:

  • buying, selling, hiring or insurance of a motor vehicle or its spare parts or accessories
  • service, repair or testing of the insured vehicle

Property disputes

We’ll cover the costs to pursue legal action after disputes relating to your main home or personal possessions, such as:

  • someone causing damage to them
  • legal nuisance or trespass


If there’s a dispute involving the will of your parents, grandparents, children, step-children or adopted children, the costs to pursue legal action will be taken care of.

Vehicle cloning

This covers you for costs in legal action if someone has used your vehicle's identity without your permission.

Tax investigation

If you're subject to an HM Revenue and Customs full enquiry, you’ll be covered for the costs you need to pay an accountant.

Jury service

You’ll be paid your salary while you attend a court or tribunal at the request of the solicitors we’ve appointed for you, or do jury service.

24-hour helpline

Access to a 24-hour legal advice helpline for advice on any private legal problem.

Personal Cyber and Identity Theft Helpline

As part of your Family Legal Protection cover, you have access to a 24/7 Personal cyber and identity theft helpline, which offers you support and advice in a range of situations, including:

  • identity theft
  • fraudulent fund transfer
  • cyber extortion
  • financial loss
  • breach of personal information

Call us on 0333 7777 387 if you need support with identity theft or any kind of cyber crime.

How does it work?

If you've experienced cybercrime, you can call our support service for help.

One of our agents will work with you to identify the attack, contain the damage, and discuss your next steps.

They may support you by documenting evidence, liaising with your bank or filling out reports.

They'll also give you some advice on how to protect yourself online in the future.

The Legal Depot

The Legal Depot is a hub of legal templates, tools and guides designed to help you and your family get through life's unexpected legal events.

It can help you in a range of situations, including employment disputes and issues with faulty goods or services.

It can also give you guidance on tax and probate situations, drafting a will, financial planning and more.

Watch our video guide to find out what the Legal Depot can do for you.

How do I register for Admiral Legal Depot?

  1. Once you've taken out a Family Legal Protection policy with us, look out for your 'Welcome to the Admiral Legal Depot' email. This should be sent a few days after you've bought your policy.
  2. Find your voucher code in the email, then head to the Legal Depot to register.
  3. Enter your code into the 'First time using the Admiral Legal Depot?' section and click 'validate voucher'.
  4. Fill in your details to finalise your account.

What isn't covered by Family Legal Protection?

We don't cover your legal costs if you don't have a reasonable prospect of success, or less than 51% chance of success. But what does this mean?

Essentially, it means you don't have a good chance of winning your case. This might be because there's not enough evidence or the case simply isn't strong enough.

How do we decide your prospect of success?

Your prospect of success is decided by one of our expert panel of solicitors.

They take a look at all the facts of your case and make an independent assessment on whether they think you're likely to succeed.

If you don't agree with the decision, we can get a barrister to give a second opinion, but you'd need to pay for this yourself.

But if they decide in your favour, you'll get that money back and your case will be taken forward.

How do I get Family Legal Protection?

Family Legal Protection is included as standard on our Platinum Home Insurance.

It can also be added as an upgrade to our Admiral or Admiral Gold Home Insurance.

You can either add it when you get a quote with us, or for existing customers, you can add it to your policy in MyAccount.

Who does Family Legal Protection cover protect?

The policy covers you and family members at the same address who are either:

  • a partner (including civil or co-habiting) and any children
  • parents of the policyholder
  • brothers and sisters of the policyholder

Need to make a claim?

The first step is to call the legal advice helpline to speak to one of our advisors. They'll give you some advice and support, and let you know what your next steps should be.

If your claim incident start date is before 31st August 2022, then you're insured with our previous supplier Arc Legal and may be directed to them instead.

Your questions answered

Will using the legal advice or legal depot services affect my no-claims?

No, these services can be used as much as you want from the day you start your policy without any impact on your policy renewal premium.

Will I have to go to court?

Most cases will reach settlement before they need to go to court.

This is the ideal situation as court cases can be stressful and lengthy. But if your case does need to be taken to court, we’ll continue to support you through the entire process.

Check out our video guide on going to court.

Who will represent me?

You’ll be represented by one of our expert solicitors on our panel.

You can choose your own solicitor to represent you, but typically the process will be smoother and easier if you work with one of our appointed solicitors.

This is because we already have an agreement with our panel, and how we will work together.

It means our solicitors can go ahead and get to work right away, without needing to pre-authorise each cost and payment with us first.

Check out our video guide on representation in court cases.

What does settlement mean?

Settlement is when both sides of the legal dispute reach an agreement on how to resolve the issue at hand.

Settlement can look like a few different things. In most cases, it’ll be a financial settlement – for instance, you’re paid compensation if you were unfairly dismissed.

In others, it could be an action – for example, someone agreeing to move their boundary wall if you’ve had a property dispute.

When an offer of settlement is made, your solicitor will consider whether it’s reasonable or not and advise you on whether to accept it. You can negotiate settlements, and either side can offer them.

It’s important to note that if your solicitor advises the offer is reasonable but you still don’t want to accept it, we may not be able to fund any more of your case.

Check out our video guide on settlement.

Do I need legal cover with my home insurance

At Admiral, our legal cover is named Family Legal Protection.

Whether you need legal cover or not depends on whether you’re interested in having that extra peace of mind.

It’s an optional add-on, which means you don’t have to buy it as part of your home insurance.

But it can be a good idea if you want protection around areas like identity theft and online safety, legal disputes over your car or home, and personal injury.

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Looking for other policy upgrades?

Admiral offers great value, flexible policy upgrades across all our Home Insurance products.