Tips for driving in windy conditions

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View from the front seat of a car on a rainy motorway, windscreen wiper in front

Driving in windy weather can be unpredictable. We chat about when it’s safe to keep driving, when it’s time to stop, and how to drive safely in high winds (if you really need to!).  

Is it safe to drive in windy conditions?

It depends how windy it is. 

A little bit of wind is usually fine, as long as you stay focused on the road, but with some extreme winds or stormy weather, it may be best to delay your journey.  

Not only could your car veer (change direction) or you could lose control, there’s also the possibility of flying debris breaking your windscreen or otherwise damaging your car.  

Check out our guide on driving in ice and snow as well.  

When is it too windy to drive a car?

If the winds are 30mph or over, it’s considered dangerous to drive.  

If that’s the case, delay your journey or think about whether you need to drive at all.

It’s always best to keep an eye on the weather forecast for any warnings. Read our guide on weather warnings and what they mean.  

How to drive safely in windy conditions

If you do need to drive in windy weather, here’s our tips on how to stay safe.  

Be careful when overtaking

Ideally, you shouldn’t overtake at all during strong winds, especially cyclists.

It could be extremely dangerous if you’re caught by a heavy gust of wind and are thrown sideways.

If you do have to overtake, do it widely to avoid any accidents.  

Slow down and focus on the road ahead

Try to take things at a steady pace. You’ll need to allow more time for planning your journey in extreme weather.

It’s also important you really focus on the road ahead, as there could be fallen trees, branches or other debris.  

Avoid using exposed roads or bridges

Exposed roads or bridges can be especially dangerous during strong winds.  

The speed limits on bridges will be reduced and if the winds are strong enough, they might be shut completely.  

You need to be especially careful if you have a high-sided car.

Leave a lot of space  

Give everyone on the road a lot of space, as anyone could be caught by a strong wind and veer. This doesn’t just apply to cyclists, but to other cars as well.

Keep a firm grip on the steering wheel

If you do veer or get thrown off by a strong wind, it’s important you keep control of your car.

Make sure you have a good grip on your steering wheel and be ready to hold things steady!

How can I park safely?

Parking safely in windy weather is mostly about deciding where not to park.  

Try not to park under telephone lines, trees or anything else that could fall and damage your car.

Park your car in your garage if you have one.  

Does my car insurance cover me for any kind of wind damage?  

It depends. If you have comprehensive car insurance, you should be covered for damage caused by strong winds and flying debris.  

Always check your policy documents to see what you are and aren’t covered for.