Press Office

Winter Watch Outs! Half of motorists ignore weather warnings despite the dangers

Data reveals more severe road accidents happen in winter

  • Insurer sees 25% spike in car accident claims in November
  • Highest percentage of severe accidents take place between November and February
  • Almost a quarter of Brits (23%) say they have been involved in a car accident after driving in harsh winter weather conditions
  • 21% of motorists would still risk driving if a severe flood warning had been issued
  • Just one in four motorists would know what to do if their car hit black ice
  • One in ten drivers are more nervous about driving in the dark since lockdown

A new investigation by Admiral Car Insurance has revealed how many motorists are unprepared for driving in winter weather and ignore weather warnings despite the increased risk of an accident during winter.

The months of November, December and January see the highest volume of car insurance claims over the year according to Admiral, as it warns the changing weather and road conditions most common during the winter months can bring some of the most difficult situations for motorists to navigate.

Analysis of Admiral claims data over the last five years reveals that on average, there is a 25% increase in the number of car insurance claims made in November compared with April, which sees the lowest number of accident claims on average.

But Admiral is warning that not only are motorists having more accidents during the winter months, these accidents are potentially more severe in nature.

According to Admiral data, the highest percentage of severe incidents take place during the winter months, with 12% in February, 11% in January and December, and 10% of claims in November being classified as severe.  

Severe incidents relate to those where the vehicle is so badly damaged it’s undrivable, and potentially where someone is injured.