Depending on where you live in the UK, you might need to apply for a landlord licence to be able to rent out your property.
We discuss if you need one, what types of landlord licences there are, and how to get one.
What is landlord licensing?
Landlord licensing is a way for councils and authorities to monitor the number and quality of rental properties in an area.
It lets them carry out some background checks on the landlord and the property. This means tenants are assured a safe home that’s of a decent quality.
Landlord licensing doesn’t apply to all rented properties – some landlords won’t need to get a licence before they can legally rent out a property, but others will.
Do I need a landlord licence?
It depends on the type of property you want to let, how big it is, and where in the UK you live.
There are three types of landlord licences.
Mandatory HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation) licensing
This covers homes that are shared by five or more people that aren’t all part of the same family. This is when some or all tenants share a toilet, bathroom or kitchen.
Additional HMO licensing
This covers slightly smaller homes that are shared by three or four people that aren't all part of the same family. This is where some or all tenants share a toilet, bathroom or kitchen.
Selective licensing
This is when a local authority brings in landlord licensing just to cover one particular area.
This might be because:
- the condition of the housing is poor
- there's a significant problem with anti-social behaviour or crime
- there’s a high level of poverty in the area
You should be able to find out if this applies to your property by checking the local council’s website.
There’s selective licensing in place in a few areas in London. If you’re renting out a property in the capital, you can check to see whether you need a licence here.
Do I need a landlord licence if I live in Scotland?
Yes, in Scotland you need to register with the Landlord Registration.
You can register to get a licence on the GOV.UK website.
You’ll need to give details about yourself, your property and any previous convictions.
Do I need a landlord licence if I live in Northern Ireland?
Yes, you must have a landlord licence before you can rent out any property in Northern Ireland.
You can register to get or renew your licence here.
You’ll need to give details about yourself, your property and any previous convictions.
How to apply for a landlord license
It depends where you are, but there’s a few ways you can apply – either through the main government website, or through your local council.
Check out the information above to see which channel is right for you.
Depending on which licence you need to apply for, you’ll probably need to give:
- your personal details
- details of the type of property you own
- your safety certificates – for instance, electrical, gas safety, etc
- photos of your property
- any information about the facilities and room sizes
Check out our checklist for getting started as a landlord, to see what else you need to think about before renting out your home.