Our phone lines will be open between 8:00am - 6:00pm Monday-Friday and 10:00am - 2:00pm on Saturday .

If you're a new customer you can get a quote online. If you already have insurance with us, you can log in to My Account or our Travel portal.

If you need to make a claim, you can click Make a Claim page.


Contact us: Travel Insurance


For a quick answer to any questions
check out our interactive FAQs

Go to quick answers

In your Travel Portal you can:

  • View your documents
  • Change you travel plans, dates and destinations
  • Add travellers
  • Update your medical history
  • Retrieve a quote 24/7
  • Register a claim
  • Add extra cover, and more!

Log in to the portal Register for the portal

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Messaging and Email

If you need to give new card details or if you'd like to make a payment you will need to call us.

We are currently unable to discuss Travel Claims on Messaging so to get in touch with the claims team, please choose another method of contact.

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Messaging opening hours

Extra support?

Before getting in touch we recommend you check for answers to questions in our FAQ’s and you can manage your policy online via the Travel Portal.

In your Travel Portal you can:

  • View your documents
  • Change you travel plans, dates and destinations
  • Add travellers
  • Update your medical history
  • Retrieve a quote 24/7
  • Register a claim
  • Add extra cover, and more!

Log in to the portal Register for the portal

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Frequently Asked Questions

Am I insured to travel abroad?

Your policy covers you as described in your current Certificate of Motor Insurance for events occurring in:

  • Great Britain,
  • Northern Ireland,
  • the Isle of Man and Channel Islands,
  • any other country which is a member of the European Union,
  • Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Croatia.

The car is also covered while being transported by air, sea or rail between these countries.

Your current Certificate of Motor Insurance allows for a maximum of 30 consecutive days in any one trip, and up to a maximum of 90 days in a year. International travel is only valid for the above named countries.

You don't need to call us if you are taking your car to any of these countries, but you do need to take your Certificate of Motor Insurance.

The UK government has confirmed that Green Cards are no longer required to drive in:

  • Countries in the European Union (EU)
  • Countries in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Andorra
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Serbia
  • Switzerland

Admiral does not supply Green Cards for any other country

What is your definition of Europe?

When we refer to Europe, we are referring to the following countries and territories: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark (including Faroe Islands, excluding Greenland), Egypt, Estonia, Finland (including Aland), France (including Corsica), Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy (including Sardinia and Sicily), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway (including Svalbard), Poland, Portugal (including Azores and Madeira), Republic of Ireland, Romania, Russia (West of Urals), San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including the Balearic and Canary Islands), Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, The United Kingdom (including Channel Islands and Isle of Man), Vatican City.

Does travel insurance cover natural disasters?

Cover for catastrophes including fire, storm, lightning, avalanche, landslide, explosion, hurricane, earthquake, volcanic activity including ash cloud, flood, tidal wave, tsunami, medical epidemic or pandemic are all included as standard on our Gold and Platinum policies. This cover is not included in our Admiral level policy. 

I’ve just found out I’m pregnant and I don’t wish to travel. Am I covered?

No, you won’t be able to claim for cancellation if you became pregnant after you took out your policy or booked your trip (whichever is later).  

We don’t cover you if a doctor advised you not to travel (where there are no complications of pregnancy or childbirth), unless you couldn’t change your trip and can provide written confirmation of this from your travel provider.  

Is terrorism covered?

Terrorism is excluded from all sections of the policy except for the Emergency Medical and Repatriation, Personal Belongings, Personal Accident and Hijack sections (where cover is provided as part of the platinum tier only).

Terrorism is any act or threat of action by a person or group intended to influence a government or to frighten the public or any section of it.

Acts of terrorism can include:

  • violence against a person
  • damage to property
  • putting life in danger
  • creating a health risk to the public
  • interfering with or seriously disrupting computer systems or transport services including cyber terrorism
  • biological, chemical or nuclear force or contamination

What cover is there for dental treatment?

With new policies, you’re covered for up to £400 for “emergency dental treatment for the immediate relief of pain to your natural teeth incurred outside of your home area” under the Emergency Medical and Repatriation section of your cover (subject to your excess).

Can I upgrade my travel policy cover level after I’ve taken it out?

No, sorry. Currently, this isn’t possible.

Will my holiday insurance cover me if the travel agent/tour operator/airline company goes into administration?

No it doesn't cover this. If the company is an ABTA member, you can submit a claim to them for the cost of your holiday.

What does excess mean in travel insurance?

The policy excess is the amount you must pay towards any claim. The excess applies to each insured person and each event that leads to a claim. Multiple excesses may apply for claims under each section.

What happens if I lose my passport while I'm on a trip?

You can make a claim for the cost of extra transport, accommodation and administration costs you have to pay to get a replacement passport or emergency travel document. We’ll pay up to £300, £400 or £500 (depending on your tier of cover) towards these costs.

Please keep all receipts and obtain written confirmation from the embassy/consulate showing the date of the incident and cost of the replacement passport.

Do you cover children under 18?

Cover can’t be bought for a child under the age of 18 alone. A child under 18 can be added to our family policies where at least one adult over the age of 18 is also going on the trip (single trip policies).

A child can be added to annual multi trip family policies where the insured adult will travel later in the policy term. Each insured child under the age of 18 will only be covered if they’re travelling with a responsible adult. This adult doesn’t need to be insured with us.

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Extra Support



Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be very difficult. As well as the emotional upheaval of coping with a death, you may have financial matters to take care of.

If you’ve just lost a loved one who had, or was named on, an Admiral insurance policy, you can let us know by filling out our online form or alternatively use our contact us page.

Trusted Contact / Authorised Caller

In certain situations, such as if you’re not a fluent English speaker, you may need to set up an authorised caller who can deal with your insurance policy for you. You can choose what access this person has and what they can do on your behalf, and you can cancel it at any time. You must not pay the person for this service and it’ll still be your responsibility to make sure all policy details are up to date and accurate. All policy documents will still be sent to the policy administrator.

You can contact us to set up an authorised caller. Alternatively you can write to us at Admiral Group, David St, Cardiff CF10 2EH or use the additional support webform to tell us about your needs.

Please note, an authorised caller can only be added by a current policyholder or policy administrator.

Power of attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that lets a person (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more others (known as ‘attorneys’) to help them make decisions or to make them on their behalf. You may choose to do this if your health or circumstances change.

When we receive the power of attorney document, we’ll contact the attorney to let them know we’ve received it and the policy has been updated. We’ll also write to the policyholder confirming the attorney can deal with the policy on their behalf.

Please send power of attorney documents with your policy number to Admiral Group, David St, Cardiff CF10 2EH.

Citizens Advice or a solicitor can help set up the power of attorney and make sure you have the documents we need. If you have any further queries about adding a power of attorney to your policy please send us an email or contact us.


Health issues can affect us at any stage of our lives. If you feel you need additional support with your insurance policy due to a health concern, please contact us to see how we can help.

Alternatively you can use our additional support webform.

Money worries

If you're struggling with your finances, or the increased cost of living, we’ll do our best to help you. Please contact us to discuss how we can support. You can also contact us using our additional support webform.

You may find it useful to seek independent advice if you're struggling with your finances.

Please contact us if you have any concerns.

Extra Support

Please let us know if you have any support needs or accessibility requirements that we should be aware of when servicing your policy. For example, if you have experienced a significant life event or your personal circumstances mean that you need extra support from Admiral.

You can do this by using our additional support webform.
