Our phone lines will be open between 10:00am and 2:00pm on Saturday .

If you're a new customer you can get a quote online. If you already have insurance with us, you can log in to My Account or our Travel portal.

If you need to make a claim, you can click Make a Claim page.


Make a claim:

Travel Insurance

Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess. Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).

I bought through price comparison

£150 £95 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (for Platinum over only).

What do I need to do in the case of a medical emergency or if I need to return home urgently?

If you have a medical emergency (hospital treatments, likely to incur medical expenses over £500) or need to cut short your trip, please call our 24 hours emergency assistance helpline.

24hr Medical Travel Assistance Helpline

+44 292 010 7777

How does depreciation affect the amount I receive for my personal belongings?

The amount we pay you depends on how long you've owned each item you're claiming for. We'll pay the full purchase price for anything less than a year old. For older items, the table below shows how much we'll take off your claim amount. Policy excess will apply.

Items over 12 months old are subject to wear and tear deductions.

Item Depreciation applicable Maximum amount of depreciation
Clothes 10% per year No limit
Designer bags, wallets, and purses 10% per year 50%
Non-designer bags, wallets, and purses 10% per year No limit
Sunglasses 10% per year No limit
Jewellery No Depreciation No Depreciation
Electrical Items (laptops, mobile phones, etc) 10% per year 60%
Golf Equipment 10% per year No limit
Everything else 10% per year No limit

Tell us about your claim

I am the policyholder

What to do if you're not the policyholder

We'll need to speak to the Policyholder to make sure they're happy for you to handle the claim for them, so they will need to be present when we speak to you.

0333 234 9914

Mon to Fri: 9:00-17:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Bank Holidays, Christmas and New Year's opening hours

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

New Claim
Existing Claim

What are you claiming for today? We have five options to choose from:

We have two options for you to help with your existing claim


Give us a call

0333 234 9914

Mon to Fri: 9:00-17:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Bank Holidays, Christmas and New Year's opening hours

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.


Cut-short or cancelled trips

Good to know

Usually the best way to claim for a refund, credit voucher or to reschedule a trip is to claim directly - from an airline, travel provider, or card company. We can help you, and provide support in claiming these costs back in full.

Have you contacted your airline, travel provider, or card company to request a refund or credit, or to reschedule your trip?

Not yet

What to do next

Please note that your policy only provides cover for any losses or expenses that you cannot recover from elsewhere. Offers of rebooking a trip or credit vouchers are considered a recoverable loss.


I want a refund from my trip provider

Under EU261 and Package Travel Regulations you are entitled to a full refund if the company you booked with cancelled your trip.

Contact the company (or companies - such as airlines or tour operators, if you booked through more than one) you booked with to obtain a refund for the unused parts of your booking. For example, your tour operator, travel agent, airline or accommodation provider.

In order to process your claim, we'll need to see confirmation of cancellation from the company you booked with which states what (if any) refunds are due to you. Please note, offers of rebooking a trip or credit vouchers are considered a recoverable loss.

More information is available here:


Unable to get a refund, credit, or reschedule your trip?

Please provide evidence of this to proceed with your claim with Admiral.

We also require confirmation of cancellation (stating if any refund is due) from the company you booked with. Also, any communication from your card company or PayPal confirming the refusal of an attempted claim.


I want a refund from my card company / PayPal

Credit card provider: If you paid for a part of your trip that was cancelled using a credit card and you were not able to get a refund from the company you booked with, your card provider may refund you for this under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. This applies to bookings over £100 in value

Debit card provider: If you paid for a part of your trip that was cancelled with a debit card and you were not able to get a refund from the company you booked with, your card provider may be able to refund you for this under the chargeback scheme

PayPal: If you paid for a part of your trip that was cancelled with PayPal and you were not able to get a refund from the company you booked with, you may be entitled to a refund through PayPal's buyer protection scheme

In order to process your claim, we'll need to see a letter/email from your credit/debit card provider or PayPal confirming the amount of refund, or refusal of your claim.

Unable to get a refund, credit, or reschedule your trip?

Please provide evidence of this to proceed with your claim with Admiral.

We also require confirmation of cancellation (stating if any refund is due) from the company you booked with. Also, any communication from your card company or PayPal confirming the refusal of an attempted claim.


I want a refund from my trip provider

Under EU261 and Package Travel Regulations you are entitled to a full refund if the company you booked with cancelled your trip.

Contact the company (or companies - such as airlines or tour operators, if you booked through more than one) you booked with to obtain a refund for the unused parts of your booking. For example, your tour operator, travel agent, airline or accommodation provider.

In order to process your claim, we'll need to see confirmation of cancellation from the company you booked with which states what (if any) refunds are due to you. Please note, offers of rebooking a trip or credit vouchers are considered a recoverable loss.

More information is available here:


Unable to get a refund, credit, or reschedule your trip?

Please provide evidence of this to proceed with your claim with Admiral.

We also require confirmation of cancellation (stating if any refund is due) from the company you booked with. Also, any communication from your card company or PayPal confirming the refusal of an attempted claim.


I want a refund from my card company / PayPal

Credit card provider: If you paid for a part of your trip that was cancelled using a credit card and you were not able to get a refund from the company you booked with, your card provider may refund you for this under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. This applies to bookings over £100 in value

Debit card provider: If you paid for a part of your trip that was cancelled with a debit card and you were not able to get a refund from the company you booked with, your card provider may be able to refund you for this under the chargeback scheme

PayPal: If you paid for a part of your trip that was cancelled with PayPal and you were not able to get a refund from the company you booked with, you may be entitled to a refund through PayPal's buyer protection scheme

In order to process your claim, we'll need to see a letter/email from your credit/debit card provider or PayPal confirming the amount of refund, or refusal of your claim.

Unable to get a refund, credit, or reschedule your trip?

Please provide evidence of this to proceed with your claim with Admiral.

We also require confirmation of cancellation (stating if any refund is due) from the company you booked with. Also, any communication from your card company or PayPal confirming the refusal of an attempted claim.



If you have had to cancel or cut short your trip, you may be able to claim for your proportion of the irrecoverable costs. A successful claim depends on your circumstances and the evidence you are able to provide to support your claim. It's simple and convenient to register your claim online - just click 'start my claim now' at the bottom of this page.

Please check the following before submitting your claim:

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Are you covered for a particular claim?

Please note the following scenarios that we do not provide cover for cancelling/cutting short your trip:

  • If your costs are recoverable elsewhere (as noted above you will need to provide confirmation that you cannot obtain a refund via your travel provider or credit/debit card provider). Offers of rebooking a trip or credit vouchers are considered a recoverable loss.
  • Claims related to a pre-existing medical condition you have, unless already declared
  • Claims related to a pre-existing medical condition of other people that affects your decision to travel such as a close relative or travel companion, which they had at the start or renewal of your policy or when you booked your trip (whichever is later)
  • Death or illness of a pet

Cancelling as a result of a Covid-19? Please note that there is no cover for the following scenarios:

  • If you travel against Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advice
  • If the FCDO changes its advice regarding your destination or countries you will transit through due to Covid-19
  • If you had reason to believe your trip may be cancelled, postponed or cut short when you booked it, purchased your policy or started your trip (e.g. you had reason to believe you may have Covid-19, you were experiencing symptoms, awaiting test results or you knew of the need to take a test or to self-isolate)
  • If you're required to self-isolate due to the potential exposure to Covid-19 (for example being contacted by NHS track and trace) unless you have tested positive for Covid-19 within 14 days prior to your trip departure. Please note that there is no cover if someone who you planned to travel with who is not insured on your policy tests positive for Covid-19 prior to your trip departure.
  • If travel restrictions or quarantine are imposed by any government or public authority. This includes local lockdowns, being denied entry and not meeting compulsory entry requirements
  • If you cancel your trip due to you not wanting to travel or not enjoying your trip
  • There is no cover for the cost of any Covid-19 medical tests you choose to or are required to take

Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.


Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).


Was your policy in force when you needed to cancel your trip?

If you have a Single Trip policy:

  • Cancellation cover starts from the time you book your trip or pay the insurance premium, whichever is later

If you have an Annual Multi-Trip policy:

  • Cancellation cover starts from the time you book your trip or the first day of cover (as shown on your policy schedule), whichever is later.
  • You would have been asked to select when you wished your policy to start when you purchased your policy. If the incident that led to you needing to cancel your trip occurred before the start date of your policy, there is no cover.

Documentation to provide

In order for us to process your claim, you must provide us with supporting documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • A booking invoice of your original trip
  • Any medical reports that you were given from the treating doctor or medical facility confirming your diagnosis and treatment details
  • Evidence of payment of your treatment/expenses (bank, debit/credit, paypal etc.) and/or receipts
  • Invoices, receipts and evidence or payment of any additional expenses incurred such as accommodation and travel expenses

It would be handy to have these to hand before starting your claim


Medical expenses

Good to know

Paid out for overseas medical expenses? You can claim back this money, but any reimbursement will be dependent upon circumstances and evidence.

Please check the following before submitting your claim:

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Are you covered for a particular claim?

Please note the following scenarios that we do not provide cover for medical expenses:

  • Medical treatment related to a pre-existing medical condition that you have not declared to us and paid the additional premium for if required
  • If you travelled against medical advice, or were waiting for medical treatment before travel, unless we knew about it and agreed to cover it
  • If you specifically travelled to get medical advice or treatment
  • Any medical expenses incurred as a result of you not taking the necessary or prescribed medication which you knew at the start of your trip you would need whilst you were away, or if you did not take with you enough prescribed medication to cover the duration of your trip
  • Private medical treatment where there are adequate estate facilities within a reasonable distance
  • Medical expenses incurred as a result of a tropical disease where you have not had the NHS recommended inoculations and/or taken the NHS recommended medication

Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.


Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).

I bought through price comparison

£150 £95 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (for Platinum over only).


Documentation to provide

In order for us to process your claim, you must provide us with supporting documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • A booking invoice of your original trip
  • Any medical reports that you were given from the treating doctor or medical facility confirming your diagnosis and treatment details
  • Evidence of payment of your treatment/expenses (bank, debit/credit, paypal etc.) and/or receipts
  • Invoices, receipts and evidence or payment of any additional expenses incurred such as accommodation and travel expenses

It would be handy to have these to hand before starting your claim


Personal belongings

Good to know

You could make a claim if your baggage was delayed, or personal belongings were lost, stolen, or accidentally damaged during your trip. A successful claim depends on your circumstances and evidence provided. It's simple and convenient to submit your claim below.

Please check the following before submitting your claim:

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Lost, stolen or damaged personal belongings

Please note we do not provide cover for lost, stolen or damaged personal belongings in the following scenarios:

  • If you left your belongings unattended
  • Valuables that were not with you, unless in your locked accommodation. If your room had a safe or safety deposit box they must have been locked inside it
  • Valuables that were left in a motor vehicle
  • Personal belongings left in a hotel courtesy or storage room
  • Valuables left in checked-in luggage
  • Damage caused to suitcases, holdalls or similar luggage, unless you cannot use the damaged item

Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.

Delayed baggage

Please note we do not provide cover for delayed baggage in the following scenarios:

  • Personal belongings delayed on your return journey

Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.


Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).

I bought through price comparison

£150 £95 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (for Platinum over only).


How depreciation will affect the amount you receive for your items

The amount we pay you will depend on how long you've had each item you are claiming for. We will pay the full purchase price for anything less than a year old. For older items, the table below shows how much we will take off your claim amount. Policy excess will apply.

Items over 12 months old are subject to wear and tear deductions.

Item Depreciation applicable Maximum amount of depreciation
Clothes 10% per year No limit
Designer bags, wallets, and purses 10% per year 50%
Non-designer bags, wallets, and purses 10% per year No limit
Sunglasses 10% per year No limit
Jewellery No Depreciation No Depreciation
Electrical Items (laptops, mobile phones, etc) 10% per year 60%
Golf Equipment 10% per year No limit
Everything else 10% per year No limit

Documentation to provide

In order for us to process your claim, you must provide us with supporting documentation, including (but not limited to):

Lost, stolen or damaged personal belongings

  • You must have reported any loss/theft to the police or your transport operator within 24 hours of discovering it, and get a written police report
  • Obtain a Property Irregularity Report from your airline provider, or a loss or damage report from any other transport operator if the loss of theft happening whilst the items were in their care
  • Proof of purchase/ownership - receipts showing the price you paid for each item, or satisfactory proof of ownership, such as a bank statement or a photograph of you wearing the article
  • Make sure you keep your tickets and luggage tags too

Delayed baggage

  • Obtain a Property Irregularity Report from your airline provider or a loss or damage report from any other transport operator if your personal belongings were delayed whilst the items were in their care
  • Make sure you keep the receipts for any essential replacement items you need to buy or hire, and ensure you keep your tickets and luggage tags too

It would be handy to have these to hand before starting your claim


My departure was delayed

Good to know

You can help progress your claim by keeping evidence and supporting documentation, such as a booking invoice, travel itinerary, departure time / date, and a list of travellers, ready to share with us.

Was your flight delayed more than 12 hours?

The delay was over 12hrs
The delay was under 12hrs

Delayed flight claims

If your departure was delayed for 12 hours or more due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather conditions or a mechanical breakdown, you may be able to claim £25 for each insured person who was delayed up to £250.

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Delayed flight claims

Delays under 12 hours are not covered under your policy, but check Civil Aviation Authority to see if you are entitled to claim compensation from your airline.


My departure was cancelled

Good to know

Not matter how your trip was cancelled, even if it was your decision, you may be able to claim a proportion of your trips costs. In addition to the cover provided by your policy, your trip is also covered under EU261 and Package Travel Regulations which can help you get a full refund from your travel provider.

Was any alternative transport provided within 24 hours of your original departure time?

Yes, within 24hrs
Not within 24hrs or at all

Alternative transport

If alternative transport was arranged by the travel provider unfortunately there is no cover for cancelled/abandoned flights.

However, if your departure was delayed for 12 hours or more due to strike, industrial action, adverse weather conditions or a mechanical breakdown, you may be able to claim £25 for each insured person who was delayed up to £250.

Please check the following before submitting your claim:

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Alternative transport

If you decided to abandon your trip because the departure of your pre-booked aircraft, ship or train is delayed by more than 24 hours (or cancelled with no alternative transport available within 24 hours of the scheduled departure), for one of the following reasons, you may be able to claim for your proportion of the irrecoverable costs:

  • Strike
  • Industrial action
  • Adverse weather conditions
  • Mechanical breakdown

If your departure was cancelled by your travel provider for a reason not listed above, there is no cover under your travel insurance policy, however under EU261 and Package Travel Regulations you are entitled to a full refund from your travel provider.

Contact the company you booked with to obtain a refund for the unused parts of your booking. For example, your airline, tour operator, or travel agent. Please note, offers of rebooking a trip or credit vouchers are considered a recoverable loss.

More about UK Civil Aviation Authority

Please check the following before submitting your claim:

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Are you covered for a particular claim?

Your policy provides cover for your proportion of irrecoverable costs if you decided to abandon your trip because the departure of your pre-booked aircraft, ship or train is delayed by more than 24 hours (or cancelled with no alternative transport available within 24 hours of the scheduled departure), because of strike, industrial action, adverse weather conditions or a mechanical breakdown.

Please note the following scenarios that we do not provide cover for abandoned departure:

  • We only provide cover for abandoned International departures that are your outbound journey
  • Abandoned departure due to a strike, any form of industrial action or possible delay that had been announced or had begun at the start date or renewal date of this insurance (shown on your schedule), or when you booked your trip, whichever is later

If you decide to travel to your intended destination by alternative means, we will pay for the reasonable cost of additional transport and accommodation to get you there, or the cost to abandon your trip, whichever is less.
Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.


Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).

I bought through price comparison

£150 £95 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (for Platinum over only).


Documentation to provide

In order for us to process your claim, you must provide us with supporting documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • Your booking invoice and travel itinery (detailing the departure date/time and who was travelling)
  • Evidence of payment of your original trip ((bank, debit/credit, paypal etc.) and/or receipts)
  • Evidence of your missed departure. For example, if you missed your departure due to failure or delays to scheduled public transport, you should provide confirmation from the transport provider as to how long the delay was

It would be handy to have these to hand before starting your claim.


Are you covered for a particular claim?

Your policy provides cover for your proportion of irrecoverable costs if you decided to abandon your trip because the departure of your pre-booked aircraft, ship or train is delayed by more than 24 hours (or cancelled with no alternative transport available within 24 hours of the scheduled departure), because of strike, industrial action, adverse weather conditions or a mechanical breakdown.

Please note the following scenarios that we do not provide cover for abandoned departure:

  • We only provide cover for abandoned International departures that are your outbound journey
  • Abandoned departure due to a strike, any form of industrial action or possible delay that had been announced or had begun at the start date or renewal date of this insurance (shown on your schedule), or when you booked your trip, whichever is later

If you decide to travel to your intended destination by alternative means, we will pay for the reasonable cost of additional transport and accommodation to get you there, or the cost to abandon your trip, whichever is less.
Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.


Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).


Documentation to provide

In order for us to process your claim, you must provide us with supporting documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • Your booking invoice and travel itinery (detailing the departure date/time and who was travelling)
  • Evidence of payment of your original trip ((bank, debit/credit, paypal etc.) and/or receipts)
  • Evidence of your missed departure. For example, if you missed your departure due to failure or delays to scheduled public transport, you should provide confirmation from the transport provider as to how long the delay was

It would be handy to have these to hand before starting your claim.


I missed my departure

Good to know

If you failed to arrive at your point of international departure in time to board your pre-booked flight, ship or train you may be able to claim for additional accommodation and travel expenses.

Please check the following before submitting your claim:

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Are you covered for a particular claim?

Your policy provides cover for reasonable expenses for additional accommodation and travel if you fail to arrive at your point of international departure in time to board your pre-booked flight, ship or train as a result of:

  • failure or delays to scheduled public transport in which you are travelling. (This includes domestic connecting flights that take you to the international departure point but excludes taxis)
  • An accident or breakdown of the vehicle in which you were travelling
  • An accident or breakdown happening ahead of you on a motorway or dual carriageway which causes an unexpected delay
  • Strike, industrial action or adverse weather conditions

Please note the following scenarios that we do not provide cover for missed internal departure:

  • We will only provide cover for the first part of your outward and final part of your return journey of your trip. No cover is provided for delay and missed departure for any claims relating to onward/connecting flights except where domestic connecting flights are used as scheduled public transport to take you to the international departure point to leave or return to the UK
  • Missed international departure (where it is not leaving or returning to the UK) caused by a failure or delay to any connecting flight
  • Missed international departure where you did not leave enough time to arrive at your departure point or before the check-in time shown on your travel itinerary
  • Missed international departure when you travelled in a vehicle you own which has not been serviced and maintained to the manufacturer's instructions
  • Missed international departure relating to a strike, any form of industrial action or possible delay that had been announced or had begun at the start date or renewal date or your policy, or whenever you booked your trip (whichever is later)
  • If you miss your international departure because you do not have a valid passport, visa, documents or meet the entry requirements for the country to plan to travel to or through for your trip

Please check your policy booklet for a full list of what you are / are not covered for.


Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought through price comparison

£150 £95 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (for Platinum over only).


Documentation to provide

In order for us to process your claim, you must provide us with supporting documentation, including (but not limited to):

  • Your booking invoice and travel itinery (detailing the departure date/time and who was travelling)
  • Evidence of payment of your original trip ((bank, debit/credit, paypal etc.) and/or receipts)
  • Evidence of your missed departure. For example, if you missed your departure due to failure or delays to scheduled public transport, you should provide confirmation from the transport provider as to how long the delay was

It would be handy to have these to hand before starting your claim.


All other travel claims

Start your claim now

Report your claim now by logging into MyAccount and selecting the 'Claims' tab.

Log in to my account

Depending on the type of claim you need to make, you may need to pay an excess.

Unsure of your excess?

I bought direct from Admiral

£100 £75 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (Hijack cover applies on Platinum tier of cover only).

I bought through price comparison

£150 £95 £50

Excess is payable per person, per section of claim.

For example, if your excess is £75, you're claiming for cancellation of a trip for 2 travellers named on your policy and you paid £600 for your trip, you'll receive £450 once your excess has been deducted: £600 - £150 (£75 x 2) = £450.

Note, excess is not applicable for the following sections of cover: delayed baggage, delayed flights, personal accident, funeral expenses abroad or repatriation of remains, and Hijack (for Platinum over only).